IONISM Design “Urban Cities” projects in Chicago USA.

Contains contemporary urban style, IONISM composes refined structure and minimalism coloration as their core value. 
In 2014, IONISM went back to New York City, where IONISM has launched, filmed our Urban City Episode 1.
This year happens to be the fifth anniversary of IONISM, we seized the opportunity to extend our journey to another East Coast major city, Chicago.



Director / Cinematographer / Editor - Stanley Hsu -
Designers - Rhys Yang / Sean Chen  
Model - Jacob Bates
Makeup - Stephanie Espinoza
Music - "Endless Night" by Braunbeck (Filburt Remix)

Feature: Clamp Ring_Type B_Silver



Drilling Lab is a designer jewelry brand inspired by machining aesthetics. It transforms the industrial parts into minimalist metal jewelries and accessories that are unique, unpretentious and forthright.


Director / Cinematographer / Editor - Chang Chia Chung

Music - bennybomstaerk /  b39 bibbeat number 8


Feature: Clamp Ring


DL LIBRARY l 穿戴裝置的世代交談,Drilling Lab在 Museo del Gioiello未來館。

影片為Museo del Gioiello Sala Futuro策展人Odoardo Fioravanti接受主辦博物館專訪影片,謝謝收錄DL作品與配戴Clamp Type B Ring受訪。
維琴察市(city Vicenza)有著我們對標準義大利的想像,歷史悠久,多元的人文藝術發展,城市更以擁有多座文藝復興著名建築師-安卓 帕拉蒂奧(Andrea Palladio)的世界文化遺產為名,其中帕拉蒂奧教堂(Basilica Palladiana)在2014年改造為歐洲首個專門珠寶博物館Museo del Gioiello,即我們本次受邀出展的空間。

Museo del Gioiello落成後將常態性舉辦珠寶雙年展,由9大策展人跨區域與時代的將穿戴裝置分為 : Symbol、Magic、Function、Beauty、Art、Fashion、Design、Icon與Future,從古典工藝到當代漫畫拼貼在珠寶的應用;又從功能主義橫跨到感性訴求的後現代設計,是一場聚焦飾品演化的展覽。而Drilling Lab 從工業美學的角度重新定義穿戴裝置的訴求被領域策展人-米蘭工業設計師Odoardo Fioravanti收歸於Sala Futuro (未來館),透過重新審視傳統加工的基本元件,來發掘穿戴裝置嚴謹卻多元的未來可能。


Museo del Gioiello / IIa EDIZIONE 2017-2018
DATE | 16 Dec 2016 - 31 Jan 2018
LOCATION | Piazza dei Signori 44 Vicenza, Italy

Video All rights reserved Museo del Gioiello, Vicenza
by Italian Exhibition Group SpA