The attitute of Minimal,SKONH & Drilling lab

What is minimal? A mode has various of angle and meaning in the world without Dualism. This time DL collaborated with French fashion and creative duo-SKONH, through their unique point of view for minimalism, we were discovered deeply in real and simple attitude.

( Drilling Lab=DL,SKONH=SK )

| DL |
Simply introduce your background for us!
| SK |
Charlotte has studied fine art and product design before meeting Philippe who was Ending his Marketing and business Studies. She worked for contemporary Artist Theo Mercier as Assistant and also for Andrea Crews (Avant guarde Fashion Brand) as stylist assistant. Philippe have worked as Consultant Assistant in the luxury and cosmetic department of a design Agency in Paris before working full time on the SKONH blog. We met during a party and the same night we had the idea to work together on a fashion contemporary blog. We inspired and mixed each other experience, tastes and univers to create SKONH blog.
| DL |
Living In era of social media, what kind of role you want to play and bring for follower? 
| SK |
Instagram is a place where we express our creativity. We show what we like in Fashion and also in photography. We are always looking for what seems for us aesthetic. This aeshetic could interpreted as minimalistic. Colors, Shapes, layers, setting … By this way we want to make people discover this movement and to join it.
| DL |
What is minimalism to you guys?
| SK |
Minimalism for us is a combination of many ingredients as in photography grain and fade, in fashion a mix between only few colors but original material, in settings raw and graphic places.
| DL |
Could you share us what the Drilling Lab brings for you? Did it resonate with your beliefs?
| SK |
We loved the brand by its raw and industrial universe which is totally linked to our own universe. We love the contrast between the raw and the luxury in it.
| DL |
In your opinion, What is 「ACCESSSORY」(or even you could call it wearable devices)? 
| SK |
For us, accessory emphasized the style and its meaning. more minimalistic, more rock, more Posh, more grunge….
| DL |
Please share us three things or people inspires you most! (They could be artworks, artists or songs.)
| SK |
We are always inspired by some Fashion brand as SUNNEI, CELINE, MARNI… and also by cool instagram accounts as @work2day, @mikkoputtonen, @C_l_O, Maggieontherocks

● Check more details of Clamp Type-B Ring

● Check more details of Clamp Type-A Bracelet

● Check more works from SKONH

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